ABLEnews Extra [The following file may be freq'd as HR40627.* from 1:109/909 and other BBS's that carry the ABLEFiles Distribution Network (AFDN). Please allow a few days for processing.] Removing Our Freedom Individual freedom is one factor that appears to have been omitted from our raging health care debate. What limits would a given law place on doctors, patients, and insurers? The National Taxpayers Union Foundation, based in Washington, rated eight health plans now under consideration in Congress (identified by the names of their chief sponsors). The first category tallies the frequency if words in each plan that suggests government restriction or punishment. (This matters because the words selected [ban, enforce, fine, limit, obligation, penalty, prison, prohibit, require, restrict, sanction] are ones that send signals to the courts.) The second category estimates the plans costs. The third counts career limits placed on medical professionals, and the fourth registers price controls. "While the concept of government-provided security is alluring," the foundation's report advises, "it is also one which history tells us to regard skeptically." Bill: Gramm/Santorum Government Control: 86 Change in Federal Spending (1999, in billions): -$26 Medical Career Limits: 0 Price Controls: no Bill: Nickles/Stearns Government Control: 164 Change in Federal Spending (1999, in billions): -$27 Medical Career Limits: 0 Price Controls: no Bill: Rowland/Bilirakis Government Control: 392 Change in Federal Spending (1999, in billions): -$2 Medical Career Limits: 0 Price Controls: no Bill: Michel/Lott Government Control: 467 Change in Federal Spending (1999, in billions): -$3 Medical Career Limits: 0 Price Controls: no Bill: Chafee/Thomas Government Control: 748 Change in Federal Spending (1999, in billions): +$30-$90 Medical Career Limits: 0 Price Controls: no Bill: Cooper/Breaux Government Control: 249 Change in Federal Spending (1999, in billions): +$32 Medical Career Limits: 3 Price Controls: no Bill: Wellstone/McDermott Government Control: 161 Change in Federal Spending (1999, in billions): +$702 Medical Career Limits: 1 Price Controls: yes Bill: Clinton Government Control: 1,494 Change in Federal Spending (1999, in billions): $608 Medical Career Limits: 6 Price Controls: yes [Wall Street Journal, 6/27/94] ABLEnews Editor's Note: The above is not verbatim in that invividual word counts have been omitted and category labels have been revised for ease of transcription and comprehension inb this format. CURE Comment: It should be noted that the category labeled Medical Career Limits counts EXPLICIT controls--i.e., "racial/ethnic/geographic" and "limits on going into particular specialties") specified in the bill's language. A zero count does NOT mean the bill will not limit or restrict medical practice as a consequence of its provisions. A Fidonet-backbone echo featuring disability/medical news and information, ABLEnews is carried by more than 325 BBSs in the US, Canada, Australia, Great Britain, Greece, New Zealand, and Sweden. The echo, available from Fidonet and Planet Connect, is gated to the ADANet, FamilyNet, and World Message Exchange networks. ABLEnews text files--including our digests: Of Note and Mednotes (suitable for bulletin and file use) are disseminated via the ABLEfile Distribution Network, which is available from the filebone and Planet Connect. ...For further information, contact CURE, 812 Stephen Street, Berkeley Springs, West Virginia 254511 (304-258-LIFE/5433).